Monday, November 28, 2011


Keyshia Dior is about to be the young adults newest role model.  Is this a good or bad thing? ..... The verdict is still out on this one.  So let's cut to the chase and get to it.  This always gum chewing doll was featured in Timberland's video "Say Something" featuring the infamous Drizzy Drake (see video below).  Now this is where it gets tricky, she was smart enough to INVEST her earnings from that video and others to start her own lipstick line Ka'oir Cosmetics .  This is where I get a little excited, my alter ego, the fabulous, beautiful and the MIAMI diamond princess ....TRINA..... has a lipstick named after her and designed for her and her fans, called NEON ROCKSTARR.  Wonderful simply wonderful!!!!

I can't help but draw my attention back to the title of this blog, Video Vixen to Entrepreneur.  I'm almost fearful that our young ladies will not get a full picture of success because they see that beauty will carry them into celebrity status.  Now by no means am I hating on this sister.  I'm sure there's a lot of work to be done, being in her position and I don't know her full background but I do know that unless we are encouraging our black sisters to finish school and then become entrepreneurs, we are headed to a future of the "microwave generation" and no longevity is in store for us.  These youngens want things quick and easy.

What happens when beauty fails and the Next Top Model enters the scene and you are no longer the "It girl"? Rewind to the beautiful Maia Campbell, she was featured in videos, TV sitcoms and something was still lacking in her life that she began using drugs (YouTube).   No way in hell do I hope these things for Keyshia Dior.  What I hope that Keyshia Dior is doing is using this lime light of her celebrity status and making a difference in the lives of young women and women as a whole.

Below is the video that Keyshia Dior was featured in with Timberland and Drake:

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